Tuesday, 31 March 2015

2014/07/08 Tight balls and squirts

The first week of july is spend working on the to do list. The door interior lining is removed and windows are kept in place with tape again. Both window motors are removed and the biggest problem is the passenger motor. The rotor seems to turn slightly off centre but if we push the ball in which the rotor spins, it works. A small piece of metal should hold the ball in place. 

Despite rebuilding both engines only a year ago, there’s a lot of debris around the sprockets. A piece of dirt along with a burr is the cause of failure in the drivers side engine. Both are removed and the sun can shine again at the drivers side but a “tight ball” doesn’t seem to help on the passenger side. A replacement is found and the passenger side can take some heat again.

I’d like to deal with the other electrical problems when the car can be parked in front of the garage since it’s a bit too small to work with open doors. It’s pissing down so I decide to flush the engine and drain the oil. As a side tip: If U have an old toilet brush U might want to give it a worthy pension, after all it’s been a friend for quite some time, in the form of an engine hood support.

After 10 minutes of running the engine, the collecting pan is put in a strategic position but the oil’s first squirt goes long about 4 inches. I remove the oil filter but leave the garage. I will inspect the result of tight balls and squirts again in a few day’s. 

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