Tuesday, 22 December 2015

2015/10/09 The left-wing

After some parts shopping I take the diff out of the box and replace the bearings. 

The WSM says U need some “special” VW-tools to do so but being creative with what’s at hand will get you there also. 

The strange noises came from the “left-wing” (with a premonitory finger on one arm and “das kapital” under the other the left-wing is known for making tedious noises but we’re drifting away from the subject here) and it’s clear that the left bearing lets go a lot easier as the passenger’s side bearing. Furthermore there’s some grooves showing on the left bearing and my hopes rise that I might have solved the problem.

However, the WSM states that in order for the diff to work without any noise it must be set up properly and to do so U need another set of tools. I create my own variation of the special tools and start dreaming about a silent diff and a noiseless leftwing.

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