After passing MOT there’s little joy in a shark without 5th gear. Adjusting the rear coupler didn’t solve problem and after a short ride the shark starts making strange noises. It’s evident the transmission is in need of a rebuilt.
A difficult task awaits in choosing a company that will execute the transmission overhaul. When I’d lost reverse gear none of the “specialists” I’d contacted mentioned it could be the cheap bushings of the rear coupler so my confidence in the “specialist” isn’t high.
Fortunately there is a company that I did not contact in those days and they work on transaxles only: VOF “De loods” in Den Dolder. I like the company's philosophy: they provide daytime activities for the following target groups:
-autism, the chronically ill, learning difficulties, brain injury, mental disability etc.
These people are given the chance to thinker with a Porsche and I’m more than willing to put my shark at their disposal.
A few mails are send back and forth. They would like to see the shark with the transmission still present (we’d agreed I’d take the transmission out) because the noise doesn’t necessarily come from the transmission. At least this company thinks analytical, definitely a confidence booster.
I rent a trailer and find someone willing enough to take part in the slow 80 mile journey. Two days prior to the journey the country tries to mimic Austria but there’s no way I’ ll be stopped. On thursday night the shark is loaded on the trailer so we can leave early friday morning. Thanks to the 6 ‘o clock start we avoid the traffic jams and arrive at the Loods without any trouble. On this cold winter morning we are welcomed with a cup of coffee and after we feel warm again, the shark is aired up for analysis.
The noise might come from the TT, the clutch has seen better days and the loss of 5th gear finds it’s origin in the transmission. Despite facing a big problem-solving task, we head back to Belgium in good spirits. It’s nice to know that I’ve found a trustworthy partner and that the list of problems will be dealt with in one go. Back in Belgium I park the shark in a bigger garage. Some research has to be done but a fresh crate of Beer will find it’s way to the new workshop first.
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